目前分類:IELTS 雅思 (41)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

The chart shows the percentage of commuters using different modes of transport in London in1960,1980 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


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The diagram shows the process of recycling bottles.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

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How important is the patient's mental attitude towards his/her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment?


No matter what kind of medical treatment a patient chooses, it is the patient’s mental attitude that determines the effectiveness of the treatment. The attitude includes the cooperation with doctors and the faith in them, particularly keeping the optimistic attitude during the treatment period.

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Useful Materials for Task 1

(Adapted from China Post and Reader Digest)

Brazilians feel the most pressure to be thin, the Finns acutely(敏銳地、劇烈地) aware of the dangers of obesity, and Americans have the toughest struggle to lose weight, according to a global survey.

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Table  Writing Sample for IELTS B CLASS

(1) Country of Origin of New Cars Sold in the USA in 2000 & 2005

The table illustrates the number of new cars sold in the USA in 2000 and 2005 and the four major countries that they came from. In general,  there was a slight decrease in the number of cars sold over the period and, in particular, in the number of American cars.

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European government bonds


The European Union's financial-stability package has calmed markets

May 10th 2010 | From The Economist online

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Bar Chart Model 3 Sample for IELTS D CLASS

The bar chart shows the places where advertisements for a popular sportswear company were first seen. Overall, most people in the older age group saw the advertisement on television while most younger people saw it on the Internet for the first time. In the under 45 group, 20,000 people saw the advertisement for the first time on the Internet, followed by 12,500 who saw it in the newspapers. The same number of people aged under 45 saw it on TV as on billboards, at 10,000. Twice as many people over the age of 45 saw the advertisement on television as on billboards, at 25,000 and 12,500 respectively. Fewer people in that age group saw the sportswear advertisement in newspaper and on the Internet, at around 7500 and 5,000 respectively.

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作者高志豪 TOEIC Bridge多益普級英語測驗台灣地區協辦中心執行長


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Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.

        To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


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摘自--高志豪 TOEIC Bridge多益普級英語測驗,台灣地區協辦中心執行長



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Sample Script A

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Cambridge 5 -Test 3 Task 1.jpg 


The map illustrates two expected locations of supermarkets in Garlsdon town where the most population (65000) is among the neighbourhood.

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Gates says malaria vaccine could ready in three years


"Half the world's population is exposed to malaria"


Page last updated at 01:02 GMT, Tuesday, 26 January 2010

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For Taiwan, Helping Haiti Offers Rare Moment on World Stage

By ISHAAN THAROOR Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010


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給IELTS B同學:這是跟課堂一樣的條狀圖,但較高分版本,給大家參考。(摘自艾思IELTS叢書,僅供學生學習,若要引用者請載明出處,THANX!)

Chapter 27 Preferred sports

Chapter 27 Preferred sports.jpg 

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Some Do’s and Don’ts for your IELTS test



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(同學們注意囉! 為保留全貌,原文裡的文法錯誤我仍然保留,不要混淆喔!)

Sample Script A

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