

(同學們注意囉! 為保留全貌,原文部份文法錯誤我仍然保留,不要混淆喔!)

Sample Script A


Nowaday(Nowadays,注意!一半的人會寫錯), there are a lot of cars on British road and they have increased day to day. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 23 million vehicles on British roads. In this essay, I intend to examine about the solutions of these problems.

Firstly, the people living in the Britain need to think about themselves. If they used the bus and train instead of their car, the problem would resolve(be solved, resolve:下定決心,這也是一個常犯的錯誤) a little. Because of this, the British Government should introduce to control car ownership and use. For example, the government can ban to enter the road by car in the sameday all family from a house.(此處真是不知所云啊!)  

Secondly, the buses and trains of government should be free for public population. Thus, the people would use their transport vehicles(public transportation) instead of their own car. After that, the roads in Britain would be safer and were comfortable.

Lastly, the number of cars that are exported from another country should decrease and the prices of car should increase incase(in case) they aren’t overcrowded. For example, the prices of cigarettes increased and the consumption of cigarettes went down.

      In conclusion, If these measures put into action the problem of traffic can be decreased in the British road.

(Allen: Incomplete. Not Enough Words)

NExaminer comment

ŒThe answer is short at just over 200 words and thus loses marks for content. There are some relevant arguments but these are not very well developed and become unclear in places.

The organization of the answer is evident through the use of fairly simple connectives, but there are problems for the reader in that there are many missing words and word order is often incorrect.

ŽThe structures are quite ambitious but often faulty and vocabulary is kept quite simple.


Sample Script B


The transport has been one of the most important problem for The Last Two(無須大寫) centuries. The problem began with the development and the growing(growth) of the cities.

Before the eighth century the people lived in small villages or tows and did not have necessity to to too far(對,你沒看錯,作者真的寫成這樣). The people did not worry about the time to arrive in some where.  

Nowadays the situation changed(has changed). Many cars on the streets and many people need to go to any place. The numbers of car has increased and as a result of there are many problems: pollution, noise, car accident, unpleasant car park and petroleum problem.

On the other hand, people use car to 90 anywhere: to work, to travel, to spent(spend) holidays, and to amusement. Meanwhile the car is important the cities must have another solution. It is important to organize its using and to meet alternative ways.

In by cities there are some alternatives like undergrounds (metro), eoach(??), train and bicycles. In China and Cuba for example(非完整句,應寫Take China and Cuba for example). They use a lot of bicycles for solutituty the cars and eoaches.(完全不知所云,神仙難救)

It would be better to think about others differents kinds(other different kinds) of transport. In Brazil the government has talked about transport on the pioneers. In this country there are many views when it is possible to go to different places. In general they are flat rivers.(再度不知所云)

Another kind of Transport is car that uses solar energy. Probably they don’t have pollution problems and it is cheaper than other cars.

In conclusion, the transport is a social problem in big cities but its solution depend on new technologies, other kind of energy and political aspects.

NExaminer comment

Œ There are quite a lot of ideas and while some of these are supported better than others, there is an overall coherence to the answer. The introduction is perhaps slightly long and more time could have been devoted to answering the question.

 The answer is fairly easy to follow and there is good punctuation. Organisational devices are evident although some areas of the answer become unclear and would benefit from more accurate use of connectives.

Ž There are some errors in the structures but there is also evidence of the production of complex sentence forms. Grammatical errors interfere slightly with comprehension.


Sample Script C


Nuclear power is an alternative source of energy which is carefully being evaluated during these times of energy problems. During these years we can say that we have energy problems. During these years we can say that we have energy problems, but in more or less 50 years, we will be facing an energy crisis.

Nuclear power is an alternative source of energy(與主題句重複,最好避免)and unlike other sources such as solar energy, nuclear power is highly effective for industrial perpouses. If it is handled correctly there really is no danger for the public. It is cheap, there is no threat of pollution and best of all it is limitless. It is difficult to think about nuclear power as a good source of energy for people in general. This is due to the use it has been given since its birth during the second world war. It is experienced as military power and in fact at the moment nuclear power is limited to few hands who consider themselves world powers. When and if there is a change of idiology(ideology) regarding the correct use of nuclear power, then we may all benefit from all the advantages nuclear power can give us.    

If we outweigh the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear technology we then have the following: As stated before, the advantages are that there is limitless supply, it is cheap, it is effective for industrial purpose and still there are many benefits which have not yet been discovered. The disadvantages are at present time that it is limited to only a few countries who regard it as safe military power. Also if mishandled, there is risk for the pollution around the plant to undergo contamination as we all know happened in Chernobyl. If these disadvantages can be overcome, then it is clear that nuclear energy can give us more benefits than problems. It will in the future be very important as the energy crisis is not far ahead.

In conclusion, nuclear power is good, it can be safe, and we will all benefit. It is up to our leaders to see that it is handled well so that we can all benefit from it.  

NExaminer comment

Œ The answer is well-written and contains some good arguments. It does tend to repeat these arguments but the writer’s point of view remains clear throughout. The message is easy to follow and ideas are arranged well with good use of cohesive devices.

 There are minor problems with coherence at times the expression is clumsy and imprecise. There is a wide range of structure that are well handled with only small problems in the use of vocabulary, mainly in the areas of spelling and word choice.




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