
Yogurt Making

1. Provided is the diagram revealing how yogurt is produced. / Given is the diagram depicting the process of making yogurt. To start with, milk is heated up to 90(or 200).

2. The milk is maintained at this temperature for 10-30 minutes because the longer it is kept, the thicker the milk will be. / The milk is kept at this temperature in order to make it thicker.

3. The following/subsequent stage is to cool the milk to 44(or 112). Next comes the cooling stage, where the milk is cooled down to 44(or 112).

4. After that, manufacturers / producers add yogurt starter (live bacteria) to the milk. 5. The yogurt is kept at 37(or 100) for hours in order to incubate. Incubation will be stopped/ended by moving /taking yogurt to a cool place.

6. Then, it is (about/high) time that fruit and other materials/substances/additives such as sweetener and flavorings should be added to the yogurt. / It is time to have/make fruit and other materials added to the yogurt.

7. Finally, the containers (which are) filled by/with yogurt will be labeled and packed for shipping so that in the future consumers can buy it in a grocery store/on the market.

8. All in all / In sum, via/through several crucial stages, yogurt can be produced.

Electricity Generation (Revised Version)

Given is the diagram illustrating the process of generating hydro-electric power involving the natural resource as well as certain human-built equipment.

First of all, the sun evaporates the seawater, transforming it into clouds. Then, when it rains, the water arrives at the ground in the form of rain and will be stored in the reservoir for the purpose of electricity generation. Also, a dam is built to prevent the water from leaking out.

 Afterwards, the water can go through the valve when it is opened. This movement forces a turbine to rotate and sends the water to the pump and finally the water returns to the reservoir. Then, a new cycle will begin. 

Through this water recycle process, electricity is produced and then transmitted to the transformer station by high voltage cables. The transformer station is responsible to provide the urban facilities, including schools and hospitals, with power through underground cables.

Overall, ....(結論請自己寫)    

Glass Recycle

The flow-chart shows the main stages in the recycling of glass drink bottles.

In the first stage, recycled glass, soda ash, sand and other raw materials are fed into a furnace where they are heated to 1500c and melted. From here they pass to the fore hearth, where the temperature is homogenised. The next stage is the cutting machine, which cuts the molten glass into identical pieces.

In the forming machine the molten glass peice are forced into moulds, producing the bottle shape. They are cooled to below 1150c before passing to the rapid cooling stage, in which the temperature falls to below 500c. The next stage is conditioning, where the bottles are warmed again to 1200c before being cooled to under 500c, which strengthens them. They are then ready for surface treatment, which involves first cooling the bottles to 120c before spraying to provide a smooth finish.

Quality checks identify faults and any rejects are recycled in the furnance, while the finished bottles are packed.

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