以下為雅思常參考出題的網站,希望能對同學有幫助,最好養成每天都閱讀英文半小時的習慣,這些網站中的文章不論在長度、難度、題材上都接近真正的雅思考試。不僅為考試增加實力,也可為出國後大量繁重的英文閱讀打好基礎。同學們加油! An article a day keeps bad grades away~ 


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Pie Chart Model 3

The pie chart reveals the kinds of fruit that primary school children prefer in New Zealand.

In general, the two most popular fruits are bananas and strawberries. bananas are the most popular fruit of all, because they make up the largest proportion of the pie chart, at 34 percent. Primary school students also like strawberries very much and they account for 27% of the preferences.  Oranges and apples represent 15 and 14 percent of  the chart respectively, so they are less popular than the first two. The least popular fruits in the survey are peaches and kiwi fruit.  7 percent of primary school children like peaches and merely 3 percent choose kiwi fruit as their preferred fruit.

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1. 課本答案 Sample Answer:

Task 1流程圖


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Sample script

For the majority of people who long to live effectively in today’s fast-paced and technologically-advanced world, education, definitely, is crucial to their success. Countries around the globe apply a wide range of approaches to what should be taught to those who attending college. However, in view of the universal rise of unemployment rate, a growing number of people argue that college education should focus primarily on subjects related to a particular career as a useful way to reduce the number of the unemployed, whilst others believe that a general education plays a significant part in building students’ academic interest.

Paying more attention to social required skills, for some, is a great means for students to concentrate on their work and study on a certain field. They may not worry about subjects they are not good at. Moreover, they are able to get more familiar with and become proficient in their professional area, which can assist them find a job more easily. In this way, the unemployment rate can be expected to be lowered. For example, if a pupil expresses strong interest in medicine and biology, a school should help him  or her focus on these areas so that the pupil could make one of the best doctors in the country or even the world.

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(事先聲明,我無意攻擊任何人或引起論戰,若文章所提景況與某些​人事物相雷同, 純屬巧合,切莫見怪)


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‎2011/4/25, 奇妙的一天:

我家俏媽兼網路點閱破萬美女十八歲生日(大誤) 快樂, 真讚!

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近年來出國留學的風氣方興未艾,越來越多的莘莘學子選擇負笈他鄉進修深造。不過,在一圓留學夢之前,同學們有一道必須先克服的關卡,便是IELTS (雅思)考試。IELTS測驗全名為International English Language Testing System,是有心留學英國及紐澳地區的同學必須接受的測驗。IELTS藉由四個階段—聽、說、讀、寫—的測試,來評鑒同學的整體英文程度。今天,我們便來聊一聊如何在IELTS的閱讀與寫作中得到高分的小技巧。


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